What if we perceived time through the colors of everyday?
In this long-term experimental live piece on the Web, the author continually wears a custom watch that captures color from his surroundings every minute. By binding color with time, each chromnos entry represents a behavioral gene of existence.
In real-time, the captured colors act as pigments for life painting on a poetic data canvas, each minute filling a new chromnatic entry to the inner ring that represents the ongoing day.
Every 24 hours, the tree of life unfolds a new inner ring, which acts as a dynamic music score for a generative soundscape. The palette hues and values influence the scales played on a serendipitous pattern sequence that sets the tone for every now.
For more details, expand here.
Instead of showing the actual time, the wearable device seamlessly measures the sensorial now and subverts the wristwatch archetype while purposely retaining most of its symbolic relationship with time.
Its single-pixel fuzzy sensing allows endless use without privacy concerns and portrays the author's daily routine with just enough fidelity.
While the time perception capability is detached from the physical device, it is openly accessible on the Web. The selected time zone for data capture is the Coordinated Universal Time, transposed to the viewer's locality to keep its synchronized principle.
The generative music was created and developed by Fabio Doná:
"Its composition follows the color changes by shifting the music tonal palette using different scales and modes. Daylight is uplifting, while dimmer colors give lower notes and darker chords. Tones towards sunset bring a more contemplative feeling to the music, and night colors into more mystical and mysterious scales.
The song's rhythm is guided by sets of patterns that evolve during the day. Larger and similar color areas can have a different rhythmic and melodic structure so the music never repeats, telling a singular story for each day."
It is possible to analyze fragments of time and colors of today or focus on ring canvases from specific days in the past couple of weeks.
Patterns of life emerge organically from the routine: day ∿ night cycles and calm slabs ∿ vivid vibrations.
Andrei Speridião is a designer, artist, and technologist born in 1989 in São Paulo, Brazil. Deeply interested in experimental combinations of the physical, digital, and bodily through different contexts, layers, and scales, he investigates the dimensions of human existence to create meaningful everyday interactions around, between, and within ourselves.